primewire After 2019 Full Movie Watch Online

6,2 / 10 star

description A young woman falls for a guy with a dark secret and the two embark on a rocky relationship. Based on the novel by Anna Todd

Anna Todd

Runtime 105 minute


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I read the books (which by the way were beautifully written) however, the movie lacked that true "rollercoaster" effect. While the books offered emotion and impact, the film lacked the development of characters. I felt like the movie was too rushed, leaving out crucial moments of mere "suspense. One needs to feel the urge to continue watching, not the other way around. To my unpopular opinion, I actually quite liked the characters, and did feel the chemistry between Hardin and Tessa. Realistically, the film could not have replicated every single detail from the book but, if they had created a TV show, letting each character and each scene develop and serve its effect, the work would have been much better.

I am incredibly heartbroken that the movie strayed so far from the book, I really wanted to see my big bad Hardin who had a temper and was so broken but beautiful inside at the same time. I also really missed seeing just how close Tessa and Landon were and how close Tessa was to Hardin's family. Also equally pissed she wasn't a English Major from the start and we didn't get to meet Vance. And where was the arguments between Hardin and Tessa's mom?
Now that I got that frustration out.
I took my mom to see the movie with me and she has never read the books, however she lovedddddd the movie so much! And I realized what Anna Todd was after all along... the book is to be enjoyed separately from the movie. They are both different and equally as brilliant. I love them both and I give a full 10 because it was truly a good film. I could've watched forever. Jo and hero were incredible, and their on screen chemistry was amazing despite the fact that they never got to do a chemistry read. I was so blown away! As was my mom.

This has been my motto every time there is an adaptation. Just so I'm not disappointed. The first time I watched it it felt rushed but the acting was good so I went with it. I enjoyed myself. I've read the book and holy cow did things get jumbled around. It could have been even better but it sure would have made a long movie if they followed the book more.
I look forward to the sequel. Just amazing I'd see it for hours and hours if I could 8 really hope they make a 2nd one and that it'll be on DVD 😍😘.










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